1417 W Walnut St  Rogers, AR
Spell Herbs > Graveyard Dirt
Graveyard Dirt

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Price: $3.33
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: Graveyard Dirt
Tags: Spell Herbs (Spell Herbs)

Graveyard Dirt

Graveyard dirt has many uses, such as cursing/crossing, luck and good fortune, protection, and love

In general:

  • Communication/summonings of spirits of the dead
  • Protection from spirit attacks
  • Banishing someone or something
  • Dispelling certain emotions
  • Letting go or breaking habits spells

From specific graves:

  • Communicating with the spirit who resides there/spirits relating to them
  • Love and home happiness spells, if gathered from the grave of a loved one
  • Bravery, strength, or demanding that someone obey you, if gathered from the grave of a soldier
  • Knowledge, if gathered from the grave of the elderly or one who values gaining knowledge
  • Healing, if gathered from the gave of an ancestor or healer
  • Spiritual guidance and protection, if gathered from the grave of a spiritual leader
  • Innocence, playfulness, and developing new friendships, if gathered from the grave of a child. (Be wary of these; many died unexpectedly and early, so they may be more bewildered than anything.
  • Strength and protection from harm, if gathered from a grave of one who was abused
  • Ancestor connection and veneration, if gathered from the grave of a family member

From the crossroads of a graveyard or cemetery:

  • Connection with spirits and deities
  • Astral projection aid
  • Protection during spirit work
  • Past lives work
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Miss Ds Shop

1417 W Walnut Street

Rogers,AR 72756



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